As principais dificuldades da criança autista em âmbito escolar: estratégias de enfrentamento


  • Alice De Lavor Nunes
  • Cauê De Souza e Silva
  • Cicera Thyelly Teixeira de Freitas
  • Sandra Mary Duarte


Introduction: Schools provide a rich environment for the development of autistic children, offering diverse stimuli in language, motor skills, teaching, and learning. However, the role of schools in this context has not always been clearly understood, as communication barriers between professionals and families often hinder the learning process for children with autism. Additionally, there are deficits in continuous teacher training within classrooms. This study analyzes factors contributing to the difficulties faced by some children on the autism spectrum within the educational sphere, emphasizing recurring issues that affect their learning processes. It aims to facilitate the development of children through the creation of learning materials and underscores the importance of ongoing training for educators. Psychologists, equipped with technical knowledge, are pivotal in devising coping strategies for the primary challenges faced by autistic children. Objective: This study aims to conduct a literature review using databases such as SCIELO and Google Scholar to understand the dialogue among the involved parties: autistic children, schools, and their families. Methodology: The investigation focused on topics related to "Difficulties experienced by autistic children in school," highlighting the significance of fostering a strong relationship between schools and families. It also explored the challenges encountered in order to comprehend the importance of a support network due to prevailing beliefs surrounding autism. Results and Discussions: The research seeks to uncover the reasons why children with autism spectrum disorder encounter difficulties in educational settings, aiming to identify potential causes and provide appropriate interventions or management strategies within school environments. These findings are discussed to promote reflection on the subject matter. The study underscores the importance of analyzing factors influencing the ongoing training and development of professionals engaged in the educational stimulation and construction of children diagnosed with autism. Many educators, both in public and private sectors, lack the necessary skills and training to effectively engage with autistic children in classrooms, highlighting the need for continuous improvement, capacity building, and courses that equip them with appropriate techniques for managing behaviors, play, and activities to ensure proper inclusion in school environments. Through materials and literature from Google Scholar and SCIELO, the study emphasizes the importance of maintaining strong ties between schools and families, recognizing schools as natural environments filled with opportunities that can reinforce children's strengths and encourage behavioral, vocal, and social actions contributing to developmental milestones for autistic children. Additionally, it stresses the collaborative potential between schools and families. Conclusion: The primary challenges in the school environment vary and include academic hurdles, lack of resources, behavioral issues, and socioeconomic inequalities. Coping strategies may involve the use of differentiated teaching methods, psychosocial support, teacher training, and the promotion of inclusion to overcome these barriers and create a more equitable educational environment.

