Vivência do estágio profissional - I no âmbito escolar


  • Israel Teixeira Cabral
  • Maria Eniana Araújo Gomes Pacheco
  • Vanessa Melo


At the beginning of the internship period at an elementary school in the city of Iguatu, there were several enriching experiences with the children, covering health, safety, family diversity, and special celebrations. On the first day, the focus was on promoting health and safety in traffic with approximately 6-year-old children who were in the process of learning to read and write. In this context, fundamental concepts of traffic rules, their importance, and functionality were introduced. Resources such as a notebook, video projector, and sound system were used to make the class interactive and engaging. Additionally, playful materials like traffic signs and a colorful traffic light were employed, allowing the children to visually grasp the concepts. They also had the opportunity to express their perceptions and knowledge through drawings. On the second day, considering the diversity of the students' families and its importance in their lives, a workshop involving 1st-grade students from Carlota Távora School was conducted. The main focus was on families, a crucial theme for children's development. The activity started with a circle discussion, encouraging children to share their views and experiences about their own families. Responses ranged from "they take care of me" to "they play with me," revealing how diverse and essential the concept of family is for each child. The reading of the book "The Family Book," which tells the story of different types of families, promoted discussion about family diversity and inclusion. Afterwards, the children were invited to draw their own families, providing them with an opportunity to express their personal and unique perception of their families. Each child presented their drawings, explaining who was who in their family and highlighting activities and characteristics they found significant. The activity enabled children to share their family stories and experiences in a positive and inclusive manner. On the third day, we celebrated Children's Day, which occurs on October 12th. To make the day special, we decorated the classroom and playground with festive decorations. As the children arrived, we organized them into groups and had prepared treats like brigadeiros the day before to serve. After all preparations, we took the children to the playground, where they enjoyed an engaging performance by the clown Garrafinha, providing them with moments of fun and joy. Near the end of the event, we served cake, snacks, and refreshments, making the day even more special. As a gesture of affection and appreciation, we concluded the event by presenting the children with souvenirs crafted by the team the previous day. These experiences during the initial days of the internship not only enriched learning but also significantly contributed to the academic and social development of the children at Carlota Távora School. They addressed important themes, promoted interaction, and stimulated personal expression and creativity among the children, allowing them to share their unique perspectives in a positive and inclusive educational environment.

