Métodos de relaxamento e seus benefícios na saúde mental


  • José Matias Vítor Da Silva
  • Felipe Lucena Pequeno
  • Francisco Henrique Ferreira Carvalho
  • Suianny Ferreira Bezerra
  • Rafaele Rodrigues Sousa
  • João Elias Moreira Filho


Introduction: Mental health has become a central topic of discussion when it comes to challenges faced by young people in both the school and family environments. In contemporary reality, with all the social expectations placed on individuals, psychological issues and low self-esteem often develop, hindering their social development. The school environment imposes constant demands on individuals, setting academic goals with the expectation that they achieve and fulfill these objectives. The importance of these demands varies according to the future chosen, often influenced by parents or guardians of these students; however, the resources available to meet psychosocial needs are minimal. When confronted with a threat to their well-being, physical integrity, or survival, the organism exhibits a set of behavioral and neurocognitive responses that characterize the fear reaction, thereby hindering their ability to achieve their plans and goals. In the school environment, these disorders have affected numerous individuals, resulting in low academic performance, higher rates of repetition, doubts regarding career choices, or dropout from studies. Therefore, the use of relaxation techniques becomes increasingly necessary, as they consist of activities aimed at restoring the physical and mental well-being of those who resort to these methods within the school environment.


Objective: The objective of this summary is to describe the influence of relaxation techniques and how they contribute to the mental health and psychosocial well-being of the stakeholders involved in the process.


Methodology: Research was conducted using the Google Scholar and Scielo databases, where data from 3 scientific articles were collected.


Results and discussions: According to the literature reviewed, there are numerous relaxation techniques aimed at restoring well-being and mental health, contributing to cognitive and personal development. One example is Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT), a practice with specific criteria where the animal is the central part of the treatment, applied in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders and in programs aimed at improving socialization skills or recovering self-esteem. Its goal is to promote social, emotional, physical, and cognitive improvement in human patients, as literature clarifies that the love and friendship that can arise between humans and animals generate numerous benefits.


Conclusion: Therefore, animal therapists must have veterinary supervision to ensure the animal's good health and minimize potential zoonotic risks. They must also prioritize the animal's well-being with respect and care, as its quality of life is essential for the proper functioning of AAT. One of the pioneers in studying the effects of human-animal interaction on physiological parameters and human cardiovascular health was Friedman, who obtained results from different studies demonstrating that AAT can promote physical health through three basic mechanisms: (1) reducing depression and loneliness; (2) decreasing anxiety and the effects of the sympathetic nervous system; and (3) increasing motivation for exercise practices. Thus, we can understand that the use of Animal-Assisted Therapy is an important alternative in therapies and anxiety management for individuals within the school environment.

