Relato de experiência de estágio profissional IV


  • Maria Yolanda Batista da Silva
  • Maria Eniana Araújo Gomes Pacheco


Introduction: The transition from academic life to the professional arena can, in certain situations, cause conflicts, leading to restlessness and apprehension in individuals. For this reason, students are granted the opportunity to acquire experiences that will serve as guidance and support in their initial steps. Internships emerge as an opportunity to integrate students, providing them with practical and scientific learning, and above all, contributing to the development of their interpersonal skills (Silva & Teixeira, 2013). The main objective and normative interest of internships lie in allowing students to put into practice everything they have learned in the classroom, thereby gaining professional experience that is analyzed, guided, and intervened by a field professional (Ciee Manual, 2013). The Internship Law, No. 11,788 in force since 25/09/2008, has brought various contributions and modifications to existing regulations for students. The law defines internship as supervised educational practice, an indispensable curricular component aimed at professional preparation to excel in the workplace. According to the Manual of Norms and Guidelines for Basic and Emphasis Supervised Internship (2020), professional internships in clinics are mandatory for psychology students at Universidade Vale do Salgado, comprising 130 hours divided into supervision and practice. This includes 60 hours of supervision with the professor supervisor, focusing on theoretical issues and guidance on field interventions based on the specific demands reported by each intern, and 70 hours of clinical service provision. Objective: To understand the influence of supervised internship on the professional journey, considering the valuable opportunity to acquire knowledge through practical experience. Methodology: A qualitative exploratory research was conducted. Based on scientific literature, articles from Periódicos CAPES were used. The descriptors searched were professional internship, clinic, and psychology, focusing on articles published in the last five years, from 2019 to 2023. Nineteen articles were found, and three articles and internship norms and guidelines that best addressed the topic were selected. Exclusion criteria included articles solely based on professional internship. Results and Discussions: According to Caixeta and Lemos (2022), supervised internship is an essential part of student training, blending knowledge and practical skills that contribute to a wide range of future opportunities. The objective of supervised internship is to refine professional habits and identity, and to provide students with awareness and experience of the working world. It is a period of trial and error, preparing students for their future careers. Barbosa and Roveda (2020) emphasize the institutional valorization of Psychology Services, the creation of a specific and adequate physical environment for user needs, the promotion of open dialogue among different theoretical approaches, and the integration of practices in Applied Psychology Services. These initiatives significantly contribute to a broader and holistic understanding of the role of psychologists and their response to complex contemporary social issues. Borges et al. (2019) highlight the importance of supervision as a crucial element in training and supporting interns during clinical practice. The data collected play a significant role in shaping psychology education, particularly in preparing students for successful professional practice in clinical settings. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that supervised internship in clinical psychology plays a vital role in the professional development of students, providing enriching experiences that facilitate the practical application of competencies and skills acquired during their education.


