Âmbito escolar: segurança ou periculosidade? Inferência do (a) psicólogo (a) na prevenção e enfrentamento de violência nas escolas


  • Tayane Alves Pinheiro
  • Sandra Mary Duarte


Introduction: This summary aims to discuss the role of psychologists in school settings in the prevention and management of violence, considering the socio-emotional, psychological, and physical impacts that can affect the school community. Schools are spaces that shape individuals, playing a crucial role in their development by providing formal education, fostering inclusion, respect, social skills, critical thinking, and promoting values that contribute to both individual and collective progress. According to Technical Note CFP No. 8/2023, the increase in violent practices in schools has fostered fear and insecurity, compromising the school's role as a safe and nurturing environment for its members. These attacks can stem from various factors such as bullying, abuse, family neglect, prejudice, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, among others. The immeasurable impacts of these violent behaviors highlight the essential role of psychologists in intervening preventively, implementing actions to prevent violence, and mapping out the school community to understand relationships, focusing not only on students but on all staff members to facilitate open dialogue and expression. Objectives: General Objectives: To understand the importance of psychologists' roles in addressing and preventing violence in educational settings. Specific Objectives: Identify recurring issues leading to violent practices in schools. Recognize the relevance of psychologists in providing comprehensive strategies, methods, and psychological interventions to promote a safe, healthy, and conducive educational environment for the holistic development of students and the educational community. Methodology: This study primarily employs bibliographic research, analyzing various sources such as scientific articles available from UNISAL, pamphlets, and reading materials. The qualitative, exploratory, and deductive approach is chosen to deepen the theoretical foundation of the study. Qualitative methods allow for an in-depth exploration of the topic, while exploratory nature enables flexibility in investigating due to limited prior knowledge. Deductive reasoning begins with a broad understanding to develop specific aspects, ensuring robust knowledge construction throughout the study. Results and Discussion: To comprehend the significance of psychologists and their intervention practices in school environments concerning violence prevention, it becomes evident that developing intervention projects focused on preventing and combating bullying, promoting inclusion, respect, social interactions, and emotional support for the entire school community and students' families is crucial. However, numerous challenges persist, especially regarding Law No. 13.935, dated December 11, 2019, which mandates psychological and social services in public basic education networks. Despite this legislation, the reality remains distant, with a significant shortage of these professionals in schools, particularly in Regional Education Coordinations, resulting in limited direct contact and effective actions across all sectors to address diverse demands. Conclusion: In conclusion, this work aims to highlight the challenges and difficulties encountered in educational institutions, emphasizing the crucial role of psychologists in preventing and intervening in violent cases, addressing special needs in the learning process, and promoting mental health. It underscores the necessity of integrating psychologists into school environments to foster violence prevention and support holistic student development effectively.

